Base Camp Country

No Way In? Creating Valuable Access on Your Hunting Land


There’s nothing that I like better than sitting on the tractor, bringing the bulldozer up here and clearing out roads and figuring how I’m going to get from one ridge to the other and tie everything in. It’s just something that I love to do. Its tractor therapy, you hear about it. Nobody can bother you. You can’t hear your phone ring. You just get on here and drive and think about what God’s done for us. What God provides for us. What you can provide for yourself. How do you make it grow. What can you do to make your little piece of heaven better.

As you can see, we came in here and we’ve been here maybe 30 minutes and if I knew what I was doing running the machine it would probably take about 15 minutes. There’s a learning curve to this, to see how the tress fall and how they cut. see what you can cut and what you can’t cut. We probably made about a 100 by 100 foot opening here. Its going to work out really well, were going to carry it back up the ridge and the other side of the road. What we really wanted was some opening to where we could really get in here and hunt. That’s the main objective of what were doing here today.

On this piece of property there’s so many ridges that what we’re trying to do is get trails connecting every ridge. If we’ve got a turkey gobbling over here on this one ridge, we’re going to try to make a path to get to him quietly and effectively. Not on an ATV, but we need something. The woods are so thick around here that you can barely walk.

What we’re trying to do with this property to turn it into a turkey hunting Mecca. I want a road out of every ridge that we can walk quietly and hunt and then a road connecting where you have to go down in the holler and you can come up the back side of it instead of going back around it. It’s my ongoing project We’ve got some cut a ways but you can see a path going out that ridge and that’s what we’re trying to do here on every ridge that we have. I can’t stress how hard it is to hunt up here because its so thick and this is what were trying to do to make this the best turkey hunting property that we can have here in Alabama.

If you came in here with a chainsaw doing this, you’re probably looking at a 2 or 3 day project. We’ve been in here for about 15 minutes left of running this saw and that’s about what its going to take to finish up this project today.

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