Timber is a potentially valuable attribute of your property and should be a consideration when either buying or selling. In many cases, a well-managed timber stand can be responsibly harvested in intervals. That will provide income indefinitely and create a healthy forest Eco-system that benefits all wildlife using the property. From providing more food for the wildlife to enjoy. To simply earning another form of income, timber land is a great renewable resource to have.
The quality of older age-class trees can degrade over time, so harvesting can help maximize your return on investment. At the same, time permits valuable sunlight to reach the ground which creates desirable new growth and wildlife habitat. Which in turn also releases the next age class of younger, upcoming trees allowing for maximum growth. An excess of timber on any property can help the land be a great investment.
Base Camp Country Real Estate has many pieces of timber land for sale that fit the needs of someone looking for a good investment. With multiple properties available right now, we are your premier destination for timber land.
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